Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our New Friends: Books!

As exciting as it is to get a new set of students every August, I find that there are so many things that I have to reteach!  The most important thing that I teach in the first couple weeks is how to use the classroom Library.  If you remember our post about our book obsession you could guess that we are both a little protective of our books.

It is important to me that my students have access to as many books as possible, because that is how they improve their reading.  The Wonderful Book, by Leonid Gore is a wonderful book to use with a mini-lesson about how to use the classroom book.  We both made a companion activity to go with this book.  It is a sorting activity for the students to do after they hear the story.  Check it out here!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! The kids definitely need to be reminded how to treat the books. (Because we do have a small obsession and spend just a little percentage of our paychecks on them. Hehe!) I'm going to share this book with my kids. Thanks for sharing this idea!

    3rd Grade Gridiron
