Monday, February 20, 2012

Color Persuasion

This 9 weeks my school is working on persuasive writing. On pinterest I found the coolest way to teach it. OREO! Click on the oreo picture below to check out the even includes a template!
Persuasive Writing OREO
I saw this crayon paper at the Dollar Store and thought my students would like the cool paper and it would be a great way to use the OREO outline for them to persuade each other about colors. First they brainstormed using these graphic organizers I made this summer. I had them color the star green and the last arrow to show opinions and the two arrows in the middle yellow for reason and example. The next day I gave them the crayon paper and they copied their sentences and colored the crayon. They loved it. Here are some pictures of how they turned out. Hope your students have just as much fun persuading!;)


  1. Can you please tell me what writing program your school uses? I like the idea of focusing on different types of writing for a set amount of time. Our school doesn't have a writing program that we follow and it feels like we are floundering in that area. Thanks!
